6 Books That Blew My Mind and Changed My Life

Aug 26, 2021
This is an image of 5 hardback books in a pile.
I've been reading up a storm lately. 

I mean, really reading a lot. 

Reading a lot as in...multiple books in progress at a time. Books on my bedstand. Books piled on the floor by my desk. Books on the couch.

As in...interlibrary loan has my number memorized.

As in...I'm totally immersed in ideas.  

It feels really good. Below are 6 books that blew my mind and changed my life. 

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 The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants and Skills for the Modern World Where to begin? I love this book SO MUCH! This text was extremely moving to me because it put words to lots of things I didn't know how to express. I cried my eyes out for a good part of the time I was reading this book because it made so many puzzles pieces fit together for me. The title doesn't do it justice. It's really about history, place, consumerism, community, and advocacy for the future. But all through a series of unassuming, short vignettes about various plants and techniques.  I legit want to send a copy to everyone I know.
Restoration Agriculture: Real-World Permaculture For Farmers This book introduced me to a totally different way of looking at agriculture. Such an amazing book that talks about ways to manage the land that build soil health and produce healthy crops. I read it twice in a row. It's an inspiration. 
How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy is a super-dense academic exploration of the attention economy, what that means, and the costs. It is cerebral and a slow read. It's a lovely testament to what we gain by taking a step back from the productivity-driven-grind-or-die mentality. There are some real gems in this book. I read it twice in the row. Sidebar: I want to write a book like this. :) 
Do Less:  A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious Women 
This is a book of practical exercises about how we can do more by doing less. How we can be even more productive when we are super intentional about how we spend our time and what ends up on our to-do lists in the first place. In the introduction, she talks about how we don't expect gardens to be in full bloom all the time so why would we expect that of our lives...and yet we do. So powerful.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
This text is such an inspiration. Anyone who values living creatively should read this book because it is really delightful to read. Her main points are people were made to be creative.  We were made to be more than just consumers. It doesn't matter if you are "talented" at it, just go be creative because brings you joy. Creativity is transformative and a lot of fun in the process.  If you ever had a hobby (eg. playing music, gymnastics, dance, sports etc.) that you practiced until you reached your limit competitively, then stopped, she suggests picking that (or something similar) back up. For the sheer joy of it.  Did I tell you that I'm joining the community band after COVID?  ;) 
For The Time Being 
This is a book I come back to again and again. Mystical. Genre-bending. Weird.  Compelling. I don't even know how to describe it. Some people I know hated this book but it is one of my favorites.  I have returned to it again and again over the last 20 years. 

What six books blew your mind and changed you? I'd love to see your list! :) 

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