Following the Breadcrumb Trail Back To Yourself
Mar 27, 2021Do you ever feel nudged to explore something?
Or maybe you have something that keeps popping up throughout your life?
You keep pushing it aside but it keeps showing up over and over again in different ways over the years.
These nudges remind me of a breadcrumb trail.
What holds us back from exploring those new avenues?
I think we hold back for a few reasons- maybe we don't trust ourselves. Or, we want to control our lives. Or we worry that it doesn’t “make sense” or “isn’t practical.” Or we worry that other people will roll their eyes at us.
Bless Your Brain's Efforts and Move Forward
It always helps me to remember that our brains are designed to PROTECT US. Our brains know that the familiar is SAFE. We know how to calculate familiar risks. We know what to expect and it has kept us safe and alive so of course, our brains are going to try to keep us there.
But the challenge is that we miss out on life-changing experiences and opportunities when we ignore the unlikely signs/invitations that come into our lives.
Maybe none of those single breadcrumbs seems to make any sense. But looked at holistically, they might lead you in directions you never imagined.
So I think we have to use discernment-- we have to thank our brains for their efforts to keep us safe and then to go explore those unlikely paths.
There are some amazing lessons waiting for us there.
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