Can I be honest for a sec? It STINKS to just work and exist.
It STINKS to just feel valued as a consumer.
It STINKS to think of yourself as just an employee, or just a wife, or JUST a...whatever.
It stinks BECAUSE we are multifaceted and expansive.
And we are here to lead the most amazing, messy lives.
Friend, it doesn't serve us, our families, or our communities when we live these small, boxed-in lives.
Over the years many people have asked me how I am so "brave." To move across the country in a $100 van. To start teaching with 0 training. To buy land when I had no clue how to manage it. To quit my job and start a business.
And to be honest, I don't think of myself as brave at all. I'm a pretty shy and timid person in fact.
But I know what I value. And I'm curious. And I'm not afraid to make mistakes.
If you are feeling a little boxed in by your life. I'd recommend doing these 3 things. Your heart will be singing in no time.
1. Get clear on your values and what you want. We are given A LOT of messages about what success looks like. But not all of those align with what WE really want.
It's that whole measuring your success by someone else's yardstick thing.
So get quiet and get clear. Ask yourself:
What is important to me? What does success look like to me? What do I *really* want? How do I want to feel?
2. Unplug. Become very conscious of what you choose to consume. If you want to live a peaceful life, watching crime shows, drama, and sensationalist news isn't going to help you.
If you don't value buying stuff, having a bunch of commercials yap at you isn't going to help you.
Know when to pull the plug. mindful of how much time you spend mindlessly scrolling. Most phones have a Digital Wellbeing setting that lets you track how long you are using your phone each day...or set timers on specific apps.
You will be amazed by how much time you get back.
3. Follow your bliss (as Joseph Campbell says.) Look at what lights you up. It doesn't matter if it makes zero sense. It matters even less if it makes zero dollars. Just go do it. For 10 minutes, for an hour, for an afternoon.
If you aren't sure what light you up...think about what lit you up as a kid. And then go do something similar.
Just go explore. Be creative.
And while you're at it, don't be critical of yourself. Detach yourself from the outcome/product. See things as an exercise. An experiment.
Just observe.
And friend, if it makes no sense, that's okay. In fact, it's normal.
Just take a small step today that makes your heart sing. You've got this. :)