What Stress Does to the Brain- And How We Bounce Back
Mar 27, 2021I’ve been thinking a lot about stress these last few months. I always think it is amazing (and horrifying) to revisit the impact of stress on the brain.
Of course, stress has many different effects on the brain, but the part that fascinates me the most right now is how it can literally reshape the prefrontal cortex. (The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for things like self-control, emotional regulation, and the ability to plan/organize.)
Chronic stress can reduce the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex, among other things. This causes a whole host of changes, some of which include impairment to your working memory, ability to learn, and cognitive flexibility.
Even after prolonged periods of stress, removing stress can allow the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex to start to regrow. (The gray matter helps us regulate emotion and supports self-control.)
At the end of August, I left a position that was very rewarding (but also incredibly stressful) for a very different life, a less stressful life, as an entrepreneur. So I’ve been observing all of these changes firsthand. And it is nothing short of remarkable.
Here are a few things that I've noticed:
- Within 2 weeks to some extent and definitely within a month of decreasing my stress level, I could literally feel my brain changing for the better. The body is an amazing thing!
- The extent to which capitalism has a lot to gain by people being chronically stressed.
- When you give your brain time and space to work to its fullest capacity, striking things are possible.
I'm profoundly grateful for the body and its ability to bounce back after some hard, hard years. I'm looking forward to the weeks and months to come- for the ongoing work that my one, imperfect life entails. I'm looking forward to more laughter. More play. More creativity. More joy.
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