Come Take A Walk In the Yard With Me?
Jul 06, 2021Come take a walk in the yard with me?
It took me a *long* time to come to peace with the fact that my yard in the country wasn't going to look like the yard of a house in town.
In many ways, I admire yards that are perfectly well-kempt. The type-A, organization-loving, orderly part of me loves a perfect yard. I really do.
But I've come to realize that there is a cost to it.
One that personally, I'm not willing to pay.
Nature is a little wild, friends.
Ecological systems are a little messy.
In nature, things ebb and flow.
So I'm trying to let go of the reins a little
Do you have a manicured yard or a wild yard...or somewhere in the middle? Most importantly: what about your yard do you love?
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