Handling Life's Hard Stuff- Finding The Blessings
Mar 27, 2021
For days, I have been trying to think about just how to say this. But 2020 turned out to be a great year for me. It seems bad to say that when it was a hard year for many. We have seen losses, deaths, and many changes.
But to put that in context, let's rewind to January 2020 for a moment. I was at a staff meeting and we were asked our personal new year's goals as an icebreaker. I literally hadn't thought a thing about it and stammered..."drink more water."
But I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't begin to think about new year's resolutions.
So 2020 started hard and then fast forward to spring 2020...COVID, the students suddenly going home, and everything that entailed. So that was rough.
Throw some personal things in the mix and it was quite a time. And then...I was supposed to have the summer off. But due to the workload with COVID, that didn't happen. Which was devastating.
But what happened next changed everything. I stumbled across a webinar that introduced me to the idea of starting an online business. I started a business in June and about a month later had enough clients that I felt comfortable putting in my notice.
I feel like I stepped into this whole other universe.
Now, I firmly believe that things happen for you, not to you.
And I know that none of this could have happened any other way.
And there are a couple of people at my old job that I feel like I will be forever yoked to...because they set me up to create a whole different future.
So I know this post is long, but I guess I want to say, is:
whatever you went through, whatever you are going through now, honor it. Thank it and take everything it has to teach you.
Because even the hard stuff sets you up for what is next. Even when it is horrible and miserable and makes no sense, it is inviting you to be transformed...so that you can share your gifts in new ways.
I'm wishing you all so many blessings, friends,
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